Gatling Good: The minigun you get at the end of the government official career is called "The King.".
Gang of Hats: The Westside Gang, Eastside Mob and Sewer People use a color scheme (red, blue and green, respectively).
Some even wear face bandanas and/or sunglasses. They can be found all over your home neighborhood and are mostly hostile to the player.
Gangbangers: The red-clad Westsider Gang fills this role.
Expansion Pack: The Director's Cut unlocks the entirety of the fourth island for you to play around in (without it, only the outdoors is accessible).
Excuse Plot: Find three MacGuffins, deliver them to the professor and don't get killed by him.
Equipment Upgrade: Higher-level versions of sledgehammers and flamethrowers are obtained by giving the lower-level version alongside some other materials to an NPC ('Recon' Bob Yewlaiter for the former, Pyro Perry for the latter) to upgrade.
In a negative rare event that you can get as a cop, you waste your time pigging out instead of actually going on patrol.
Donut Mess with a Cop: The police department is located right next to the two local donut and coffee shops.
You can join them as a game developer if you so choose.
Creator Cameo: XGen Studios themselves appear in the game.
Cool, but Inefficient: The Ice Cream Tester and Kitten Exterminator professions require a whopping 900 and -900 karma to acquire, but each of them nets $10/$5 per shift, along with being the only two jobs to not have any promotions.
Chekhov's Gunman: Remember Tutorial Ted? You know, this guy who (even when you acted like a bastard) gave you money and a place to stay at the beginning? He's the guy who killed Ryan, the hardware store clerk.
In particular, the Chainsaw Club is dedicated to fights where chainsaws are the only weapon allowed.
Chainsaw Good: Chainsaws are available as weapons from the hardware store, and a 55cc Chainsaw is needed to become a Lumberjack (which rewards you with the 70cc Chainsaw).
The exception is the Benjamins Club, which requires you to spend $50000 on a Benjamins Club Card.
Cash Gate: In order to enter bars and the XXX DVD shop, you'll need to buy an ID card (either a real one from the police station for $175, or a fake one from Fake ID Dealer Rudy for $150).
from the convenience store also increases Charm by 2, which is much less cost-efficient, but does not put you to sleep and force you to wake up late the next day.
Booze-Based Buff: The main way to raise Charm is to go drinking at one of the bars.
Better Than a Bare Bulb: Lots of lampshades can be spotted here and there.
Batter Up!: Two kinds of baseball bats can be bought and used in combat.
And then you change dimensions again and are forced to start with a hundred bucks and basement as a flat.
Bag of Spilling: The introduction reveals that the player character, after seven years, have managed to become the ruler of 2nd Dimension.
Author Avatar: The whole company who made this game appears.
Old Abandoned Warehouse and Brand New Abandoned Warehouse ( It Makes Sense in Context)